GA4 Is Not GDPR Compliant – Here’s How to Use GA4 in the EU Safely

GA4 GDPR compliant

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is not yet fully GDPR compliant. Google is working to make GA4 compliant with the GDPR, but it is a complex process that is still ongoing.

Here are some of the challenges that Google is facing in making GA4 GDPR compliant:

  • The GDPR requires companies to obtain explicit consent from users before collecting or processing their personal data. GA4 collects data about users, including their IP addresses, which can be used to identify them.
  • The GDPR also requires companies to provide users with access to their personal data and to allow them to delete their data. GA4 does not currently provide users with these options.
  • The GDPR requires companies to take steps to protect the privacy of user data. GA4 does not currently take all of the necessary steps to protect user privacy.

Google is working to address these challenges and to make GA4 GDPR compliant. However, it is not clear when GA4 will be fully compliant with the GDPR.

In the meantime, companies that use GA4 should take steps to comply with the GDPR on their own. This includes obtaining explicit consent from users before collecting or processing their personal data, providing users with access to their personal data, and allowing users to delete their data. Companies should also take steps to protect the privacy of user data.

If you are using GA4, you should consult with a privacy lawyer to ensure that you are complying with the GDPR.

Here’s how we keep GA4 GDPR compliant

In short, for traffic coming from the EU, we skip the the step where GA4 tracker sends data to GA4 servers. Instead, we process this data within the EU (just like GA4 does on their servers in the US) and send it straight into a BigQuery dataset located within the EU.

GA4 to BigQuery GDPR compliant

Reflective Data Parallel Tracking Solution

Reflective Data offers a solution that can help you make your GA4 implementation GDPR compliant. The Parallel Tracking solution allows you to collect data from users in the EU without sending the data to the US. The data is instead processed and stored in the EU. This ensures that your GA4 implementation is fully GDPR compliant.

Schedule a Free Consultation

If you are interested in learning more about how to make your GA4 implementation GDPR compliant, you can schedule a free consultation with Reflective Data. During the consultation, one of Reflective Data’s data experts will discuss your specific needs and help you determine if the Parallel Tracking solution is right for you.


If you have any questions about how to make your GA4 implementation GDPR compliant, please feel free to ask in the comments below.

One thought on “GA4 Is Not GDPR Compliant – Here’s How to Use GA4 in the EU Safely

  1. Come on! This can’t possibly be GDPR compliant if Big Query is used. As soon as an application from Google is involved, there is no GDPR compliance!

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