Analytics dictionary › Bounce rate

What is Bounce rate

Bounce rate is the percentage of visitors to a particular website who navigate away from the site after viewing only one page.

In General, a rising bounce rate is a sure sign that your landing page is boring or off-putting. It might also mean that you are driving wrong traffic to your website, which means the content is not right for them.

What to watch

Of course, the lower the bounce rate, the better. There is no average or good bounce rate, it always depends on the industry, content, traffic etc.

Things you should keep in mind when looking at your analytics reports are:

  • Which traffic channel has the highest/lowest bounce rate? Why?
  • Which pages of your site have the highest/lowest bounce rates? Why?
  • Any changes in long term trades

Extremely low bounce rate can very likely be a result of broken tracking system. For example, non-interactive: false Google Analytics events.

How to lower the bounce rate

As already mentioned, the number one reason why people bounce (leave without any interaction) from your website is that it doesn’t meet their expectations.

Get to know your audience

Try figuring out what the people who land on your website want. Some of the good ways for doing so are:

  • Analyzing traffic sources
  • Paid traffic targeting rules
  • On-site polls (just ask!)

Produce better quality content

No matter if it’s an homepage, sales page, or a blog – the content you put out there has to be there. Don’t write something just because of writing, write because people really want to get such information!

Let potential audience take a look at your content and give you some feedback. Consider hiring a professional copywriter.

Last modified: April 27, 2020

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