Analytics dictionary › Enhanced Ecommerce

What is Enhanced Ecommerce

Enhanced Ecommerce is a powerful feature in Google Analytics that enables advanced tracking of e-commerce related features such as: add to carts, coupon codes, product list views, checkout steps and many more.

This feature is often considered to be one of the most underrated and underused features in Google Analytics. Getting it up and running does take some time but the amount of extra data it provides is definitely worth it.

Shopping and Checkout Behaviour

Enhanced Ecommerce introduces two new visually represented funnels: Shopping Behaviour and Checkout Behaviour.

Enhanced Ecommerce Shopping Behaviour Funnel
Enhanced Ecommerce Shopping Behaviour Funnel

These two graphs are not available in Google Analytics out of the box, with properly configured Enhanced Ecommerce tracking, it’s rather easy to set up.

Developer required

While there are plugins for several e-commerce platforms that do the setup for you, any customization requires help from a developer.

If you don’t feel comfortable with the back end of your site and with Javascript, do consider hiring a third-party expert.

A broken setup and skewed data are worse than no data at all!

Periodic audits recommended

Websites change, and with every change comes a danger of broken tracking. We recommend getting a smaller audit every 6 months and a comprehensive one once a year.

When checking your setup don’t forget to make several test purchases and compare with the data from the back end and accounting.

It is recommended to hire a third-party for conducting the audit.

Useful links

Last modified: April 27, 2020

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