How Jooble Leverages Digital Analytics Data to Run Their Business and Improve the Job Seekers’ Experience

Digital Analytics at Jooble

If you are a businessperson, there are all the chances that the phrase ‘digital analytics’ is no gibberish to you. In the parlance, it deals with collecting, processing and presenting all the digital data pertinent to one’s business activities, with the aim of getting a competitive edge by means of better understanding how one’s business works.

The key to understanding the importance of digital analytics is in ‘data’. In this context, it includes everything related to your business’s customer behaviour—like the amount of time they spend on your website or even the percentage of people that leave the website after browsing through one page (so-called bounce rate). By combining and comparing these data, you can get a number of valuable insights into how well your business performs and, accordingly, act on it.

We at Jooble know well enough that digital analytics is a must for any online business. Here are just a few examples of how we use it to make ourselves better.

Improving Job Seeking Experience

Of course, Jooble is a job-related business with its own specifics, but a number of digital analytics tools are applicable across the board. For starters, they help create our clients and customers’ profiles—that is, understand where they come from, what is their age/sex etc., how and why they use our services, and so on. On a more advanced level, we keep track of such indicators as Aggregator Partners Revenue Structure, Partners Country Revenue Structure. etc. All this, in turn, makes it possible to cater information to specific audiences and help our business grow.

Analysts at Jooble keep track of job seekers’ behaviour and use this knowledge to the company’s benefit. This includes, for instance, job search filters with a whole host of options. By slightly changing them and noting how users’ experience accordingly modifies, we can understand what kind of information job seekers in a particular region or of a particular age group make use of to find their dream career.

Boasting Unique Labour Market Expertise

Data aggregated from job seekers also boosts and improves Jooble’s expertise in terms of the labour market. As a job board, we have a clear picture of how it works; we know who are the people that search for jobs — from where they live to what languages they speak. This knowledge is of immense value for employers that want to understand who is looking for jobs and how to get the labour market’s ‘cream of the crop’.

To that end, Jooble offers analyses relating to labour markets across the globe. To take an example, our experts used data from the UK to analyse its employment trends and prospects in light of the Covid-19 pandemic and Brexit. Our US analysts conducted research on the job search tendencies in the wake of Covid situation improvement in the United States.

We also work directly with employers and, by processing their requests, get the gist of what traffic sources interest them; what job offers review rates they take into account; and how long it takes for a particular employer to actually hire someone.

Managing Effecting Teamwork

Counterintuitive though it might sound, digital analytics comes in handy for creating a more effective environment for interagency cooperation. In practice, this means quicker exchange of information across teams from different departments so that decision-making should take as little time as possible. It goes without saying that this improves business processes as a whole.

For this effect, we at Jooble use dashboards, that is structured data that is updated live if need be. Dashboards are the main unit of cooperation both within a particular department and across departments; they present information in a clear, concise, and comfortable way, with no specific expertise necessary to understand it. For dashboards, we use Tableau, an interactive data visualisation software, to process Google Analytics data; there are numerous alternatives in the market that perhaps will better suit your business.


Through years of working with data, we at Jooble have come to understand the importance of digital analytics. We believe that today it is a must for any online business. In our particular case, it helps address the three main issues: satisfy job seekers’ needs and requests; gain more accurate insights on employers’ struggles; and, last but not least, understand our own benefits and weaknesses and act on them accordingly.

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