What Is FOOC and How to Get Rid of It?

FOOC or Flash of Original Content is a situation in Javascript based A/B testing where the experiment is causing an element on the page to flicker when changing from original to the variation.

It has been a known problem for as long as front-end A/B testing solutions have been around. In this article, we take a look at why you should care and if it’s somehow possible to solve it.

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Must Know Tips For Optimizely Preview Links

If you run A/B tests using Optimizely, you have probably worked with its preview links. There’s a good chance that you never really thought about the individual parameters in these links, is this the case with you?

In this article I am going to share some of the best tips for Optimizely preview links that are going to make your work easier and save you a good amount of time.

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Getting Started With A/B Testing

At Reflective Data, we believe that A/B testing is one of the best uses for all the data you gather in your digital analytics system. Of course, there are unlimited other uses like spotting when something is broken or calculating the ROI for your latest campaign but these are mostly just acknowledging what has happened. A/B testing is (should be) taking an action based on that data.

In this article, we are going to give you a comprehensive overview of how to get started with A/B testing, including the prerequisites, tools, and methodologies. We are even going to give you some test ideas to get you started! In case you are already running A/B tests, I’d still suggest you take a look how others (we) approach the problems involved.

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Getting Started With Google Optimize

Google Optimize is a free A/B testing platform that integrates seamlessly with your Google Analytics setup. Around eight months ago, we signed up for their invite list.

We finally received our access around four months later and now we have been actively using it for three months.

Here’s what you need to know in order to get started with running experiments on your website using Google Optimize.

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Must-Have Settings for Google Analytics Views

Google Analytics, the most widely used tool for gathering data from your website usage, comes with pretty good setup out-of-the-box and will serve the needs for most basic users. Once your website becomes more sophisticated and starts getting more traffic, the default setup just won’t cut it anymore.

Luckily, changing the settings of your view in Google Analytics is rather straight forward. In this article, I am going to cover the setup I use on most websites and will give go into some more detail on the most important settings.

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What You Need to Know About Google Analytics Referral Exclusions

Google Analytics is strong in tracking all sorts of traffic sources. By default, it can make sure if the user came from a social network, search engine, advertisement, email or came to your site directly (typing in the URL or using a bookmark).

While the basic channel determination is quite good, you should still consider configuring based on your business, as Google really couldn’t make a one-size-fits-all solution here. Web sites are just too different, and that’s a good thing, right?

In fact, you can re-configure the entire channel determination system, but in this article, we are going to cover the part that’s related to referral traffic. More specifically, the traffic that Google considers a referral but it actually isn’t.

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Google Analytics Custom Definitions – The Right Way

Google Analytics Custom Definitions are essential additions to every Analytics setup that has been tailored to a specific business. And they all should be.

The basic setup provides you with plenty of dimensions and metrics but there are things that are specific to your business and need some manual configuration in order to be tracked properly.

This is exactly what Google Analytics Custom Definitions are good for – including non-standard data in your reports.

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